
Message from Andy Reed (Chair of Governors)

On behalf of the Governing Body I would like to offer you a warm welcome to Hambleton Church of England Primary School and to our website.

Hambleton C. of E. Primary School is a happy, caring place where all the children are valued as individuals. We provide opportunities and support for everyone to be successful and to gain new experiences.

The school is led by a team who are professional, well motivated and committed to improvement. They offer support, care and challenge to each individual student, in order that they may achieve their full potential.

The Governors fulfil their role through regular full Governing Body meetings and committees. They accept that they are accountable for the overall performance of the school and provide support for the school by acting as a critical ‘friend’.

I have served as a Governor since 2005 and share, with my fellow Governors, a great deal of pride in the children’s achievements.

Andy Reed
Chair of Governors