Our school is a place where every person has the right to be themselves, not to be judged and to be included and to learn in a safe and happy environment. Everyone at our school is considered to be equal here and expected to treat each another with respect and kindness. At Hambleton CE Primary School, we respect diversity and difference, and listen to, discuss and respect the views and beliefs of others.
Definition of bullying
Bullying is hurtful or unkind behaviour which is deliberate and repeated. Bullying can be carried out by an individual or a group of people towards an individual or group
The STOP acronym can be applied to define bullying – Several Times on Purpose

The nature of bullying can be:
- Physical – such as hitting or physically intimidating someone, or using inappropriate or physical contact towards someone
- Attacking property – such as damaging, stealing or hiding someone’s possessions
- Verbal – such as name calling, spreading rumours about someone, using undermining or offensive language or threatening someone
- Psychological – such as deliberately excluding or ignoring people
- Cyber – such as using text, email or other social media to write or say hurtful things about someone
Bullying can be based on any of the following things:
- Race (racist bullying)
- Religion or belief
- Culture or class
- Gender (sexist bullying)
- Sexual orientation (homophobic or biphobic bullying)
- Gender identity (transphobic bullying)
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disability
- Appearance or health conditions
- Related to home or another personal situation
No form of bullying will be tolerated and all incidents will be taken seriously.
If you are worried about bullying don’t try to sort this out by yourself…
- Tell your Class teacher
- Tell a Playground Buddy, Y6 Wellbeing champion or Member of the School Council
- Tell any other adult staff in the school. Have a look at your classroom ‘Safeguarding chart’ to help you think of a person to talk too.
- Tell an adult at home
- Report anonymously – use the worry box in your classroom
- Call ChildLine -0800 1111