A Partnership with Parents
Engagement with parents is fundamental to the establishment of strong links between home and school. We firmly believe in this partnership and parents are welcomed, indeed encouraged to involve themselves in the life of the school.
‘Wise Up’ Weekly Newsletter, ‘What’s Happening’, Class Newsletter and Weekly Parent/Teacher Information Slips
We like to be organised and give parents plenty of warning about upcoming events. The termly What’s Happening provides an overview of the year, the termly class newsletter provides useful information about up and coming events, curriculum themes and planned activities. These and the Wise Up weekly newsletter are emailed out to parents who may also receive a hard copy if they wish. Finally each class teacher provides brief information on learning areas for the week (Teacher to Parent Proforma) – we aim to get this to parents by 12 noon on a Monday. Please check these regular updates so that you don’t miss anything.
‘Special Mention’ Celebration Assembly
We hope you will be able to join us for our weekly celebration assembly. This takes place on a Friday morning when parents, grandparents and friends are warmly welcomed.
Becoming a Parent/Adult Volunteer
Some parents and grandparents are able to offer a regular commitment to work with the children; others prefer to support the children for specific activities or events. We are happy to have the support of parents in various ways; hearing readers, school visits, special days, and of course fundraising. We have created guidance for helpers in the form of a leaflet for volunteers and carry out DBS checks on these adults working regularly in school.
Parent/Teacher Consultations and Reports
At Hambleton we have a strong commitment to reporting to and consulting with parents. Parent/Teacher Consultations are held in the autumn and spring Terms with an invitation to meet with class teachers to discuss the Attainment Reports at the end of the summer term. Full Reports are published in February to enable teacher’s comments and your interventions to impact positively at a more significant time in the academic year. In addition to this parents receive an end of year Attainment Report in July, detailing attainment and attitude to learning in reading, writing and maths.
Parent Workshops
Subject based workshops are held on specific themes, usually on a termly basis.